COVID-19 Test result & Certificate

If you need a fit to fly certificate to satisfy travel requirements (which the NHS do not provide), we are now offering a self-swab service through our clinics and pharmacies. We deliver result within 24-36 hours after dropping swab sample at our designated locations.

What is a fit to fly certificate?

A fit to travel certificate, which can also be called a fit to fly letter, is a medical certificate confirming your fitness to travel by a doctor.

We will provide a certified Covid-19 fit to fly medical certificate signed by a General Medical Council (GMC) registered NHS clinician, if the test result is negative.

How to get a fit to fly certificate?

We have fit to fly packages for all of your travel needs. We can supply Covid-19 swab test results alone or with a corresponding fit to fly letter issued by one of our GMC doctors.

You will receive test results by email froma UKAS registered laboratory and is performed to ISO 15189 standards.


Type of Test: Sample collection for the PCR test is in the form of a swab, which will gather an individual’s nasopharyngeal (nose and throat) secretions.


A sample is prepared by extracting the chosen section of the genome, and then PCR (Polyamerase Chain Reaction) techniques are used to amplify (replicate) the genome section, ready for detection. This type of test detects the RNA (Ribonucleic acid) contained within the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Important Notes*****

If you require a travel certificate for a flight, we recommend taking a sample not more than 72 hours prior to the flight.  It is your responsibility to check the travel requirements of the airline and country you are travelling to and to ensure your results are received within the time frame required by the airline and country.

For further information and collection point location: please email, call : 01582249216 , text : 07828634357

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