Dental CBCT imaging of the Teeth and skull.

About Fusion Radiology

Fusion is a UK based Tele-radiology Company that provides general and subspecialty reporting services to support existing radiology departments within NHS and private healthcare organizations.

Our Radiologists are GMC/GDC registered, highly skilled and FRCR qualified sub-specialist NHS consultants, each with complimentary specialisms that allow us to cover all body areas and modalities. We work with the highest quality reporting technology and fully trained and experienced support staff. Our main goal is to provide an accurate report for each patient within the fastest turnaround time possible. We consult with our clients and commit to delivering agreed turnaround times or KPI, whilst offering bespoke image transfer solutions.

We provides reporting service on various modalities including Ultrasound (MSK guided injections), MRI, Dental CBCT scan and X-rays.

Why choose Fusion Radiology

  • Specialist in Dental CBCT scan, Head and Neck radiology
  • Experienced and Specialist NHS consultant radiologists
  • Flexible & Ad-hoc reporting
  • Dedicated clinical query helpline
    Accessible, we offer great support where referring doctors can directly contact reporting radiologists via fusion admin.
  • 10% reports audited internally
  • An online platform and regular discrepancy meetings are in place to make sure radiologists are able to share views and experience for learning and feedback purposes.
  • Clinical governance
    CQC registered, adhering to policies placed in order to maintain a high quality service.

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